Best Way to Lose Weight: The Ultimate Guide


Calorie Deficit, Sleep, Stress

The best way to lose weight varies from person to person, but there are several things that consistently produce the best results.

We will cover the best ways to lose weight throughout this guide.

Our goal is to focus on the things that will deliver the most consistent results so you won't waste valuable time or mental energy.

This means we won't be covering diet fads or any of the other 'noise' that can delay your weight-loss journey or cause frustration.

Here is an outline of what we'll cover in this article; you can click on any of the headings to jump to that section:

Best Way to Lose Weight: Experimentation

Experiment with New Foods to Lose Weight

This is one of the most commonly overlooked steps to losing weight, and it's also one of the most important.

Most people trend-hop from one weight-loss program to another.  Or they read about some 'magic' weight-loss technique that transformed someone's body overnight.

But then they get discouraged when they don't see immediate results. And this is completely understandable!

You live a busy life and have lots of things competing for your attention.

Which means you need to find the best way to lose weight for you based on what your body responds to.

Learning What Your Body Responds To

It's very important to understand that not everyone's body responds to various weight-loss approaches the same way.

And it takes time to see how your body responds to different foods and physical activity.

In fact, most people don't stick with their diet long enough to see results.  Or they aren't disciplined or consistent enough to start losing weight.

So it's very important to be patient with the weight loss process and not give up.

Remember: everyone's body is different, and you need to experiment to determine what your body responds to best.

Your Weight-Loss Journey

Weight Loss is a Journey

This is another key mindset factor that most people skip over or never even think about.

The best way to lose weight is to view the process as a journey, not just a destination.

Now it goes without saying that you want to reach a destination: your target weight or body composition.

But if you only focus on calories and the number that shows up your scale you're going to get very frustrated!

You'll also miss lots of great milestones along the way.

Celebrating Your Weight-Loss Milestones

Weight-loss takes time, and you need to stay motivated to avoid backsliding into old habits.

Celebrating each milestone is a great way to embrace your journey and one of the best ways to lose weight.

For example, when most people start losing weight it is most noticeable in the upper-body first.  Your upper-chest, back, and sides will likely start showing the signs of weight-loss first.  Then your face.

So as you progress along your journey there will be lots of exciting improvements that take place as you transform your body.  These accomplishments should motivate you to stay the course, so don't gloss over them!

(Unfortunately stubborn belly-fat is usually the last to go, but it will gradually reduce over the course of your entire journey.)

Before we move onto the next next section, let's discuss one other critical step of your journey.

Best Way to Lose Weight: Learn the Facts

Another one of the best ways to lose weight is learning to separate fact from fiction.

There are lots of dieting myths out there, and trying to lose weight while following wrong or outdated advice will only end in frustration.

And one of the biggest misconceptions relates to how you can actually lose weight in different parts of your body.

Important fact: there is no way to naturally target a specific area area of the body for fat loss.  Your body will decide where you lose fat and in what order.

So any weight-loss program, food, exercise, or supplement that promises to target a specific area of the body to burn fat should not be trusted.

"Burn belly-fat first!" is a common claim that is 100% marketing and not based on the reality of how the human body loses fat.

Yes, we know this is a total bummer!  But now you understand why it's so important to view weight-loss as a journey.

Each pound you shed is a new milestone!

Calorie Deficits: The Best Way to Lose Weight

The best way to lose weight is to maintain a calorie deficit over an extended period of time.

And calorie deficits are one of the few universal weight-loss techniques that apply to everyone.

Being in a calorie deficit means you are consuming fewer calories than your body is using over the course of the day.

Now this obviously doesn't sound like much fun.  But there are lots of effective ways to diet without feeling hungry.

And it's very important to remember this is a temporary phase, not a permanent state. In fact, this is such an important topic that we've written an entire guide on calorie deficits.

Track Your Progress

It is extremely important to track your progress, especially in the beginning.

Things you should track include:

  • Your calorie intake.
  • The foods you eat.
  • How much you exercise.
  • Your weight.
  • Photos that will document your progress.

And while this sounds like a lot of work, it's actually really fast and easy...if you have the right tool.

So to make this manageable, we highly recommend you download the MyFitnessPal app.

MyFitnessPal allows you track calories via the meal diary, log your weight, and upload photos (if you want).

There are lots of calorie-tracking apps, but MyFitnessPal has a huge following and the large database of foods make it a great tool for weight-loss.

(You can even scan barcodes using your smartphone camera and the app will bring up the food and nutritional information so that you can log it in your meal diary with a single click!)

Eat Healthy (and Delicious) Foods

Healthy Food

One the easiest ways to fail at weight-loss is to pick a meal plan or diet that doesn't match your personality.

Most people fall into one of two categories: they either view food as fuel, or they view it as an experience.

For example, you might really love food and the experience of tasting and enjoying a great meal.  If that's the case, then a diet focused solely on chicken, rice, and broccoli is going to be a terrible match for your personality.

You would be much better off focusing on tasty (but healthy) meals that you can view as a reward to sticking with your diet.

The key is to find the right meals that satisfy your culinary tastes while also falling within your daily calorie goals.

Believe it or not, this is actually easier than you might think.  It just takes some time to find the right ones and adopt a new mindset.

And remember: the best foods for weight loss don't need to be boring!

Get On a Routine

Another one the best ways to lose weight is to get on a consistent eating routine.

What does this mean?

It means you find foods and meal combinations that you really enjoy and stick to eating those for most meals.

This might sound boring at first, but it's a temporary phase, and also saves you tons of time.

Breakfast is a great example.  Most people eat terrible foods like cereal, fast food, or pastries for breakfast.

But a breakfast high in protein (eggs, ham, salmon, etc.) and healthy carbs like fruit will increase your energy levels.  These types of foods will also make you feel less hungry and naturally reduce your urge to snack.

Another benefit of having a small number of meals that you really enjoy is that it saves time when deciding what to eat!

Find Foods Your Body Responds Well To

This is another item related to experimentation.

When you start trying out new healthy meals you'll find that your body responds better to certain foods than others.

A perfect example of this is rice and water retention, which we discuss in a separate section below.

Another example is how full certain foods make you feel.

Apples and oranges are great foods for weight loss because the calorie content is low, but the volume of food is high.  So apples and oranges allow you to consume a large amount of food without having much impact on your daily caloric intake.  This makes you feel less hungry.

You will also find that some foods, despite being low in calories, will make it harder for you to lose weight.

Beef jerky is a perfect example of this, because while low in calories, it is extremely high in sodium.  And sodium leads to water retention.

Choosing the Best Diet For You

Choosing the Best Diet

Most people have terrible associations with the word 'diet'.  And for others, just the thought of going on a diet is enough to make them avoid losing weight.

And this is completely understandable, because dieting is associated with denying yourself the foods you really like.

But it doesn't have to be that way!

Yes you will need to find a diet that works for you.  And yes you will need to stick with that diet over a long-enough period of time to enter a fat-burning phase so that you can lose weight.

But it doesn't mean you have to deny yourself all of your favorite foods.

In fact, denying yourself foods that you love over an extended period of time isn't advisable.

Fortunately there's a better way!

The 80/20 Rule of Dieting

As mentioned above, long-term denial of your favorite foods isn't a good strategy.

Besides, it's completely unnecessary!

Instead what we recommend is the 80/20 rule of dieting.  This means that 80% of your meals are healthy 'fuel' foods that follow your diet.  The remaining 20% are foods that you love but will enjoy in moderation.

(This works out to about 17 'fuel' meals and 4 'cheat' meals per week.)

Moderation is key, because you need to make sure you don't wipe out your calorie deficit with your 'cheat' meals.

And 'fuel' meals can still be tasty foods like pork chops, salmon, lean steaks, and all sorts of other delicious foods.

Following this approach is actually one of the best ways to lose weight without driving yourself crazy!

You can learn about the 80/20 Rule of Dieting here.

Weight-Loss Programs

Some people are great at creating their own diet by designing a meal-plan and just tracking the calories.

But not everyone is the same.  And lot of people benefit from following an established weigh-loss program that has been proven to deliver repeatable results.

If you don't like the idea of creating your own diet from scratch, you could probably benefit from following an established weight loss program.

Another benefit to following established program is that it can save you lots of time.

Covering the best weight loss programs is beyond the scope of this article, so we've put together a separate guide to help you navigate this important decision.

You can access the guide using the link above!

Drink Lots of Water

Drink Water to Lose Weight

Drinking lots of water is definitely one of the best ways to lose weight.

This is because most people consume a huge number of calories in the things they drink.

So if you currently drink lots of sugary drinks like soda, fruit juice, and Starbucks...these calories are really going to add up.

For example, a Grande Salted Caramel Mocha Coffee Frappuccino from Starbucks has around 420 calories.  Depending on your current weight and weight loss goals, this could be up to a third of your daily limit for losing weight!

And that's not all.  If you also drink soda or alcoholic beverages, the calories really add up.  Which means lots of people are consuming an entire day's worth of calories just in what they drink!

Conclusion: by swapping out the high-calorie sugary drinks for water which has 0 calories, you'll turbo-charge your weight loss and have more calories left over for food.  You'll also save a lot of money.

Another benefit of drinking lots of water is that it can actually make you feel less hungry!

Don't Overlook Water Retention

Water Retention

Water retention in the body is a major source of weight...and frustration.

So what is water retention?

Water retention is when your body holds onto excess water instead of expelling it from the body.  And this can have a HUGE impact on the numbers you see when hot on the scale to weigh yourself.

This means you can actually be losing weight, but you can't tell because your weight is staying the same, or even going up!

After all, a single gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds, and the human body is up to 60% water weight.  So it's very easy to retain pounds of water due to water retention.

In fact, this frustrating item might be the top reason people give up on a diet that is actually working. 

Learn What Foods Make Your Body Retain Water

Foods that Retain Water

There are certain foods that increase most people's tendency to retain excess water.  Some of the most common foods that make you retain water are:

  • Rice
  • Pasta
  • Sodium
  • Processed Foods
  • Refined Carbs
  • Carbonated Drinks
  • Starchy Foods
  • Cereal

Once you are armed with this knowledge, you can anticipate water retention and the effect it will have on your weight.

For example, if you go out to eat Sushi or an Asian meal with lots of rice, you can expect to this reflected in the numbers on your scale for the next 1-3 days.

That's because the rice is holding onto extra water which will cause your numbers to stay higher on the scale, even if you are in a calorie deficit.

Be Patient with Water Retention

Here's the good news: water retention is only temporary!

Once your body has time to flush the food that is causing the water retention, your body will release the excess water as well.

In fact, it's not uncommon for someone experiencing the effects of water retention to see their weight stay the same, or even go up for a couple days.

But if you continue being consistent with your diet, you can see a dramatic decline in weight loss several several days later.

That's because your body is releasing the excess water and the effects of your dieting and calorie deficit are now showing up on the scale.

So this is why learning how your body responds to various foods and the effects of water retention is the best way to lose weight!

Physical Activity

Physical Activity

Physical activity is definitely one of the best ways to lose weight!

This shouldn't come as a surprise since being active burns calories.  And it also helps keep your brain active.

Unfortunately lots of people live sedentary lifestyles, which is only made worse by the amount of time spent sitting at a desk.

But we have good news: increasing your physical activity isn't as hard as you might think.  And it comes with a ton of other benefits that can help you lose weight.

Best Ways to Lose Weight Being Active

Biking to Lose Weight

Before we discuss some of the best ways to lose weight through physical activity, let's discuss consistency.

Nobody is perfect, and some days are just so busy that being active takes the backseat to other priorities.

But it's very important to be consistent with your physical activity.  And lots of people benefit from making it a part of their daily routine.

Here are some of the best things you can do, especially if you're just starting out:

  • Take a 30 minute walk at the same time every day.
  • Start running.  Running is great because it gets your heart rate up and makes you break a sweat.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Park further out in the parking lot so that you gain a few extra steps when to enter and exit the store.
  • Start hiking, kayaking, or playing a sport like tennis.
  • Bike riding is a great way to burn calories and build-up endurance.
  • Combine any other above with learning by listening to a book or catching up on your favorite podcast.  Or even talking on the phone!

You've probably heard the above advice before, but we can't emphasize enough how effective it can be to combine the last point with any of the above.

Why Multi-Tasking Helps You Stay Active

If you feel like you're too busy or don't have enough time to exercise, combining physical activity with another task is a great way to hack your brain.

Especially if you're being active alone or working out in a gym.

That's because your brain is wired to desire the easiest outcome.  So getting yourself to do something you might not like isn't always easy.

But if you can combine something you don't enjoy (like exercise) with something you do enjoy (like listening to your favorite author's latest book), then you can change your entire mindset.

All of a sudden you aren't dreading physical're looking forward to listening to the next chapter.  Which just happens to be when you're working out.  This is extremely powerful self-motivation!

Remember: the best way to lose weight is to combine physical activity with any or all of of the other items covered in this article!

Weight-Loss Supplements

Weight Loss Supplements

Weight-loss supplements can help you lose weight, but they definitely aren't required.

In fact, the vast majority of people are 100% capable of losing weight without weight-loss supplements.

And there is lots of really shady online marketing out there preying on people's desire for a quick fix.

For this reason we'll be releasing a guide on the most effective weight-loss supplements soon.

But in the mean time, just remember that few things work as well as diet and exercise.

Getting Enough Sleep: Best Way to Lose Weight and Have More Energy

Sleep Helps You Lose Weight

Sleep is absolutely essential to losing weight!

You can be doing everything else right: diet, physical exercise, drinking water, maintaining a calorie deficit...

But if you aren't getting enough sleep you won't lose weight.

This is because your body burns fat in your sleep and processes the food that was in your stomach when you went to bed.

Think about it this way: it's called breakfast for a reason.  When you get a full night's sleep, 7-9 hours, your body is literally fasting.

And while you fast, your body will continue to consume energy.  So if you are in a calorie deficit, your body will burn fat while you sleep since that is the only source of energy available.

So remember: getting a full night of sleep is another one of the best ways to lose weight! Also, be sure to read our article on sleep and weight loss to learn more.

Reduce Your Stress Levels

Reducing Stress - Best Ways to Lose Weight

Stress is the enemy to weight-loss.  When you are stressed, your cortisone levels rise, and you have a much harder time burning fat.

And these days most people have multiple sources of stress, some of which are ongoing.

So you need to find a way to manage this stress, because managing stress is one of the best ways to lose weight.  It will also improve your mental well-being.

Here are several things that have been proven to reduce stress:

  • Meditation
  • Physical Activity
  • Spending Time Outdoors
  • Taking Breaks from Social Media and the News
  • Yoga
  • Mindful Breathing
  • Pets
  • Spending Time with Friends and Family

It's very important to manager stress.  Not just for losing weight, but for your overall happiness!  Also, be sure to check out this article about stress and weight loss.

Get Started, Then Improve!

One of the biggest mistakes people make when they decide to lose weight is to change too many things at once.

You're ready to get in shape and want to learn the best way to lose weight.  That's great!

But if you change too many things at once, you have a higher likelihood of slipping back into old habits.

The key is to change enough things to start making progress so that you develop a positive feedback loop.

This positive feedback, powered by the results you're starting to see, will prompt you to make additional changes.

How to Continuously Improve with Weight Loss

Let's use food and healthy meals as an example.

If you eat really unhealthy food right now, the first step is to start eating healthier. 

But if you don't know how to cook, or are accustomed to eating lots of fast food and frozen food, then you should avoid complex meals at first.

Why?  Because learning how to cook elaborate meals, prepping the ingredients, and the added stress of a new routine are a lot to take on.

You would be much better off starting to experiment with basic recipes. Or ordering healthy meals when you go out to eat.

Then you can get more complex once you learn what healthy foods you like and how they respond to your body.

This will also help you start losing weight immediately without taking lots of extra time out of your day!

Consistency is The Best Way to Lose Weight

Cooking Healthy Food

All of the things mentioned in this article have one thing in common: you need to do them consistently in order for them to be effective.

That doesn't mean you have to do every single one of these best ways to lose weight items to start dropping weight.  Because you don't.

But the ones you decide to do need to be done consistently over an extended period of time.

And you can't do one item while completely ignoring any of the items listed above.

Why Consistency Matters

For example, it doesn't matter if you start exercising every day if your calorie intake doesn't change.

And if you have a great walk, run, or workout but then go drink a sugary Starbucks just undid all of your progress.  (Plus you won't burn the 420 Starbucks calories with a single walk.)

The same goes for sleep.  You can't start exercising and eating less but then only get 4 hours of sleep and expect to lose weight.

So the best way to lose weight is to be consistent with the weight-loss strategies that you adopt.

Then you can add more as you go and the results will start to compound in your favor!

Getting Started: Your Next Steps

Now that you know some of the best ways to lose weight, it's time to take action.

We recommend you start with diet and physical activity.

First, read our article on the best weight-loss programs.  This will help you find a diet that actually works and has proven successful.

Next, start increasing your levels of physical activity.  Go for a walk today, or even a bike ride if you are able.

And if you really want to start your weight-loss journey right, start increasing the amount of water you drink.  This is the easiest item on the list!

Final Thoughts

We covered a lot in this article on the best ways to lose weight!

So we recommend letting your brain process what you just read.  Then go through the article a second time.

Next you can decide on the steps you want to start with.

We highly recommend you combine some of the most effective items that work well together.

For example, the sooner you get on a calorie deficit, the sooner you'll start losing weight.

And what goes hand-in-hand with a calorie deficit? Healthy food and reducing your sugar intake!

You can also read our other articles on how to lose weight and the articles we've linked throughout this guide.

Your weight-loss journey is just beginning and we're excited for you. We'll also be here with you every step of the way!

About the author is dedicated to bringing you the best information about weight loss, dieting, and living a healthy lifestyle. We 100% believe that you can change your life with the right mindset and support. And you don't have to do this alone. Our goal is to help you every step of the way on your weight loss journey!

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